5 Tips for Saving for the Unexpected (2024)

By Citadel Financial Tips | February 18, 2020

Category: Personal Finance 101

Topic: Budgeting Saving Money Personal Finances

5 Tips for Saving for the Unexpected (1)

Life is full of surprises. Unfortunately, not all of them are positive. In fact, some of life’s curveballs can be particularly impactful—both from an emotional and financial standpoint. Whether it’s suddenly facing unemployment or dealing with a health emergency, the only real way to soften the blow is to be prepared for the unexpected.

One way to do this is by building an emergency savings fund. By putting money aside on a consistent basis, you can face complicated situations without dealing with the added worry of figuring out how to pay for them.

How to Build and Maintain Your Emergency Savings Fund

Saving for something that hasn’t happened yet—and may never happen—might feel counterintuitive. However, it could save you having to take out a loan or compromising on other financial goals in the future. To make saving easier, we’ve come up with five easy steps to help you set up an emergency fund without getting in the way of your usual spending habits.

1. Set Up a Monthly Budget

Start by doing an in-depth review of your finances. You can ask yourself three key questions:

  • How much money comes in every month?
  • Which of your expenses are set in stone?
  • Are there any items you can cut back on?

These questions will help you get a clear picture of how much money you’ll need on a weekly or monthly basis.

Once you know how much money you’ll have left after your planned expenses, you can add a line item to your budget for the amount you want to put into your emergency fund. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a large contribution. If you only have an extra $10 in your monthly budget, make that your starting point. Over time these regular deposits will add up, especially if you put them into a savings account with a high interest rate.

2. Open an Account that’s Separate from Your Day-to-Day

It’s always a good idea to have a savings account that’s separate from for your emergency fund. That way, if you tend to overspend or make impulse purchases, you won’t be tempted to put the money towards a new television or a must-have pair of shoes.

If you’re going to start small, choose an account with a low minimum balance and a high interest rate. This will allow your savings to work for you as you continue to build them.

5 Tips for Saving for the Unexpected (2)

Reach your savings goal faster with a High Yield Savings Account!

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5 Tips for Saving for the Unexpected (3)

3. Automate Your Deposits

Once you've set up a designated account for your emergency fund and decided how much you can afford to put away every month, you should set up automatic transfers. This will help you make saving a habit without having to remember to make deposits at regular intervals. By matching your contributions up with your pay days, you can avoid the risk of overdraft fees.

4. Prioritize Your Savings

An easy way to supplement your emergency fund is by making it a priority when you receive any unbudgeted income. Any time you have access to a little extra cash (e.g. your tax return, a work bonus, cashback from your credit card), earmark a portion of it for your emergency fund.

5. Review Your Contributions

There’s no hard rule for how much you should be putting into your emergency fund at any given time. If you’re in the middle of saving for a down payment for a house, you may want to prioritize your saving activity for that. On the flip side, if you’ve just received a raise at work, you might want to consider increasing how much you contribute to your emergency fund.

Saving for the unexpected may seem daunting. But with some money set aside each month, you can always rely on the fact that you have a fund dedicated specifically for emergencies. At the end of the day, that peace of mind is priceless.

At Citadel, we’re here to help you prepare for the future. Contact us today.

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5 Tips for Saving for the Unexpected (2024)


What are the 5 steps in savings? ›

These five tips will help you reach those bigger goals, one step at a time.
  • Set one specific goal. Rather than socking away money into a savings account, set specific goals for your savings. ...
  • Budget for savings. ...
  • Make saving automatic. ...
  • Keep separate accounts. ...
  • Monitor & watch it grow.

How do you save for the unexpected? ›

An emergency fund can help you weather financial storms
  1. Step 1: Start small and set aside whatever you can. Unexpected financial emergencies happen to us all. ...
  2. Step 2: Consider opening a separate savings account. ...
  3. Step 3: Set up automatic transfers to save consistently. ...
  4. Step 4: Make use of income spikes to boost your savings.

What are 6 ways to save? ›

Here are some tips for getting into the habit of saving.
  • Set goals. Set savings goals that motivate you, like saving up for a house or going on a dream vacation, and give yourself timelines for reaching them.
  • Budget. ...
  • Cut down on spending. ...
  • Automate your savings. ...
  • Pay off debt. ...
  • Earn more.
Feb 14, 2024

What is the 5 rule in money? ›

How about this instead—the 50/15/5 rule? It's our simple guideline for saving and spending: Aim to allocate no more than 50% of take-home pay to essential expenses, save 15% of pretax income for retirement savings, and keep 5% of take-home pay for short-term savings.

What is the 5p saving plan? ›

The 5p money saving challenge is simple. You increase the amount you save everyday by 5p. So, starting with 5p, then the next day 10p and 15p and so on. If you continue this for a whole year, by the end you will have saved almost £3,400.

What are the 4 steps to saving? ›

Let's start with your monthly budget.
  • Step 1: Make a budget. A written budget maps out your income and expenses by showing where your money goes, month-to-month. ...
  • Step 2: Plan your savings. That extra money can build for the future. ...
  • Step 3: Manage your debt. ...
  • Step 4: Invest.

What are the 4 methods of saving? ›

Methods of saving include putting money in, for example, a deposit account, a pension account, an investment fund, or kept as cash. In terms of personal finance, saving generally specifies low-risk preservation of money, as in a deposit account, versus investment, wherein risk is a lot higher.

What is the 50 15 5 easy trick for saving and spending? ›

50 - Consider allocating no more than 50 percent of take-home pay to essential expenses. 15 - Try to save 15 percent of pretax income (including employer contributions) for retirement. 5 - Save for the unexpected by keeping 5 percent of take-home pay in short-term savings for unplanned expenses.

How can I save everyday? ›

12 ways to save money every day
  1. Join loyalty programs to reap rewards.
  2. Shop with a cash-back credit card.
  3. Cancel subscriptions you aren't using.
  4. DIY when you can.
  5. Set up automatic bill payments.
  6. Switch bank accounts.
  7. Look for extra cash in your budget.
  8. Carefully scrutinize your spending.
Mar 31, 2023

How can I save each day? ›

The easiest way to do this is to transfer a set amount of money each day into an online savings account — as long as your bank won't charge you any fees for doing so. You can also carry out this challenge with physical money by putting coins or notes in your piggy bank.

How can I save the most? ›

7 steps to start saving money: A comprehensive guide to saving, budgeting, and investing for a better financial future
  1. Understand your income and expenses.
  2. Reduce your expenses.
  3. Increase your income.
  4. Automate your savings.
  5. Manage your debt.
  6. Build an emergency fund.
  7. Invest in your future.

How to save in 3 steps? ›

  1. Draw up a budget. Making a monthly budget is essential if you want to save money in a strategic way. ...
  2. Build a contingency fund. If your budget is balanced or shows a surplus, the coast is clear for you to put some money aside. ...
  3. Save in a systematic way. Pay yourself.

What is the 3 saving rule? ›

This model suggests allocating 50% of your income to essential expenses, 15% to retirement savings and 5% to an emergency fund. This plan allows you to meet your immediate needs and plan for the future before you spend on anything else.

What are the steps in saving money? ›

7 steps to start saving money: A comprehensive guide to saving, budgeting, and investing for a better financial future
  1. Understand your income and expenses.
  2. Reduce your expenses.
  3. Increase your income.
  4. Automate your savings.
  5. Manage your debt.
  6. Build an emergency fund.
  7. Invest in your future.

What are the phases of savings? ›

Experts have identified three distinct phases that we experience: wealth accumulation, wealth preservation, and wealth distribution. During these three phases, your financial needs will change. Understanding how each phase works can help you better prepare so you can meet your goals.

What is the 7 rule for savings? ›

The seven percent savings rule provides a simple yet powerful guideline—save seven percent of your gross income before any taxes or other deductions come out of your paycheck. Saving at this level can help you make continuous progress towards your financial goals through the inevitable ups and downs of life.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.