UK heading to 'worst day of the year for hay fever' as pollen count soars (2024)

THE UK is heading towards the worst day this year for hay fever.

Pollen counts will be 'very high' across almost the whole of the UK on Monday causing misery for millions.


Only Orkney and Shetland and the Highlands and Eilean SIar, in Scotland, will have 'medium' counts.

It comes as the NHS saw a doubling in visits to its page onhay fever.

The NHS website has received an average of 11,736 visits a day since Monday June 18 compared to a daily average of 4,749 visits at the weekend – an increase of 147 per cent.

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, NHS National Medical Director, said: “Most people will be pleased to see summer finally arrive, but it also seems to have led to an increase in pollen levels and discomfort forhayfeversufferers."

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'Hay Day' was a term dubbed by the charity Asthma + Lung UK for the worst day of the year for people with hay fever, typically on June 21.

Allergens expert and creator of HayMax allergen barrier balms Max Wiseberg, says: "On Monday for 14 of the 16 UK regions – with only northern Scotland escaping.

"This will be worse than ‘Hay Day’ [Friday June 21] when ‘only’ 12 UK regions are likely to have very high pollen levels.

“Whether or not this turns out to be the case, this weekend and early next week will certainly be one of the worst times for hay fever sufferers.

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"Many regions of the UK are forecast to have high and very high pollen counts for the foreseeable future. We are definitely in peak hay fever season.”

Million Britons are plagued by symptoms of hay fever every summer from itchy eyes, a constant runny nose,headachesto irritating sneezes.

What is hay fever?

For people withasthma, high pollen levels can be fatal - and they've been warned to 'stay indoors'.

“More than three million people with asthma are affected by pollen and when levels are at their highest it can be deadly for those with a lung condition," said Erika Radford from Asthma + Lung UK.

"When pollen particles are breathed in, they can cause inflammation in the airways and get into the lungs, making it harder for those with lung conditions to breathe which can be terrifying," she explained.

However, Erica said there are things people with asthma can do to protect themselves.

“Checking pollen and air pollution forecasts in your local area every day is a good idea, so you can avoid going outdoors as much as possible on high pollen days," she said.

  “You should always have your reliever inhaler nearby, even when at home, in case pollen does trigger symptoms like breathlessness or chest tightness. 

"Reliever inhalers quickly relax the muscles in the airways to help you breathe more easily when symptoms arise.

 “Another thing you can do is to take antihistamine medicines to relieve your hay fever symptoms.

"In addition, your GP can prescribe a steroid nasal spray to help reduce the allergic reaction."


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It comes after doctors revealed a man tore a hole in his throat after holding in a sneeze.

And a student nurse claimed doctors repeatedly dismissed her waxy ear and neck lumps as 'fresher's flu' or 'hay fever'.

Best hay fever treatments to buy online

1. Allergy Eye Mist

If you hate the thought of drops, consider an eye mist which works in the same way – just spray it once or twice onto closed eyelids to to three times a day.

TryOptrex ActiMist Double Action Spray Itchy Watery Eyes, £13.75.Boots Allergy Eye Mist, 10ml, £9.99, is suitable for all types of contact lenses too.

2. Cetirizine Allergy & Hay Fever Tablets

Products containing Cetirizine work to combat allergies without making you feel tired.

Superdrug's pack of 30 tabletscomes in at £5.45.

3. Hay Fever Relief Nasal Spray

For over-the-counter relief you could tryPirinase Allergy Relief Nasal Spray for Adultsx 60 Sprays from Superdrug, £8.39.

Or for something on prescription, tryBeclometasone Nasal Spray from ChemistClick, £5.49.

4. Vaseline

Dabbing a little bit of petroleum jelly around the edges of your nose works as a barrier to trap pollen before you breathe it in.

Try branded balms such asHaymax pure organic drug-free pollen barrier balm 5ml, £8.49. Or petroleum jelly such asVaselinedoes just the same job for only a fraction of the price.

5. The Eye Doctor Allergy Hay Fever Compress

The Eye Doctor Allergy Hay Fever Compress has thermal dynamic fabric, which uses regulated evaporation to cool more rapidly.

It helps to reduce puffiness, swelling, itching, inflammation and even headaches, and comes with an adjustable comfy strap.

You can buy it atSuperdrug for £8.99.

6. Throat spray

Ultra Chloraseptic Anaesthetic Throat Spray contains the active ingredient benzocaine which belongs to the group of medicines called local anaesthetics.

You can buy UltraChloraseptic Anaesthetic Throat Spray for £6 from Amazon.

UK heading to 'worst day of the year for hay fever' as pollen count soars (2024)


UK heading to 'worst day of the year for hay fever' as pollen count soars? ›

'Hay Day' was a term dubbed by the charity Asthma + Lung UK for the worst day of the year for people with hay fever, typically on June 21. Allergens expert and creator of HayMax allergen barrier balms Max Wiseberg, says: "On Monday for 14 of the 16 UK regions – with only northern Scotland escaping.

When is hay fever season in the UK? ›

From about March until May, the blossoming of trees such as hazel and birch creates the first wave of symptoms for some pollen allergy sufferers. From May until July grass pollen forms the bulk of the UK's pollen load. Weed pollen (such as dock and mugwort) starts to occur from June and can last well into the autumn.

When is pollen count the highest? ›

The months that register a higher pollen count are April, May and September. With the onset of winter, the pollen density drops away although allergy sufferers can still be affected by indoor allergens, such as dust, pet dander or mould spores.

What percentage of the UK has hay fever? ›

A study from Allergy UK reports that 49% of the UK have had hay fever symptoms, making it one of the most common allergies.

Why is hayfever so bad just now? ›

Plant pollination

The above gives an indication of what's causing your hayfever symptoms; however, factors such as warmer weather, and even a mild winter, can cause hayfever symptoms to come on earlier than usual. Hayfever can get worse when temperatures increase because, as warm air rises, it takes pollen with it.

Why do so many Brits have hayfever? ›

A study by the University of Manchester found that the prevalence of hay fever has risen by 33% in the past 20 years, an increase attributed to various factors — including environmental allergens, urbanisation and climate change.

What is pollinating now in the UK? ›

Grass and nettle pollen currently airborne during warm, dry weather.

What month is pollen the strongest? ›

They're called "seasonal allergies" because each type of pollen has a season where they're most potent. Here's a general timeline of common pollen seasons: March through June is tree pollen season. June, July, and August is usually when the grass pollens are high, sometimes into September in a warm year.

Does being outside more help with allergies? ›

Studies have shown that children who grow up in rural areas, where they are more likely to be exposed to the outdoors on a daily basis, have fewer allergies than kids who play primarily indoors in an urban or suburban environment.

Why are my allergies so bad when my pollen count is low? ›

As a result, a high overall pollen count doesn't always indicate a strong concentration of the specific pollen to which you're allergic. The opposite can be true, too: The pollen count might be low, but you might find yourself around one of the pollens that triggers your allergies.

Where is the best place to live in the UK for hayfever sufferers? ›

'Generally speaking, living near the sea will give you a lower pollen count. ' Another good option, Dr Emberlin says, are 'areas of moorland, or upland, where there is more heather and less grass'. So where are the worst locations to put down roots as a hay fever sufferer?

Which countries are worst for hayfever? ›

Australia and New Zealand have some of the highest hay fever rates in the world, making them two of the worst places to live with allergies. Location plays a significant role in hay fever, which is why some people can be unaffected their whole life until they move.

Why do I get hay fever in the UK but not abroad? ›

Pollen counts tend to be lower in coastal areas due to the sea breezes carrying pollen away further inland. Going abroad can also provide respite from your symptoms. But only if the country you're travelling to has different trees and grasses to those that you're allergic to in the UK.

How to stop hay fever immediately naturally? ›

  1. put petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) around your nostrils to trap pollen.
  2. wear wraparound sunglasses, a mask or a wide-brimmed hat to stop pollen getting into your nose and eyes.
  3. shower and change your clothes after you have been outside to wash pollen off.
  4. keep windows and doors shut as much as possible.

Why is pollen so bad in the UK? ›

Between May and July, during the traditional growing season, trees and plants create more pollen, and this, together with warmer more humid temperatures and winds, can bring about a spike in our symptoms.

Does hayfever get worse with age? ›

Many people find their hay fever symptoms dwindle as they age, although no one knows why. But allergies can and do get worse over a lifetime, and there are reports of people who are middle aged and older suddenly developing hay fever having never been sensitive to pollen before.

What time of year is hay fever most common? ›

Most people associate hay fever with spring, when airborne grass pollens are at their peak. This is known as seasonal allergic rhinitis or spring hay fever. However, hay fever can occur at any time of the year. When symptoms occur all year round, this is known as perennial allergic rhinitis.

What months cause hay fever? ›

Hay fever triggers

Grass pollen, which is common in late spring and summer. Ragweed pollen, which is common in fall. Dust mites and co*ckroach droppings, which are present year-round. Dander from pets, which can be bothersome year-round but might cause worse symptoms in winter, when houses are closed up.

What can cause hay fever in winter UK? ›

Common indoor allergy triggers include:
  • Pet dander.
  • Dust.
  • Dust mites.
  • Mold.
  • co*ckroaches: feces and shells left behind.
  • Rodents seeking shelter from cold weather bring dander, droppings, urine and parasites that may trigger allergy symptoms.

Is hay fever just seasonal allergies? ›

Seasonal allergies are sometimes called "hay fever" or seasonal allergic rhinitis. These allergy symptoms happen during certain times of the year, usually when trees, grasses, and weeds release tiny pollen particles into the air to fertilize other plants.


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